Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The World is so ... sick......

Yesterday I read a shocking news from FB and newspaper...A 2 yrs old toddler from China , Fo Shan being run over by 2 separate vehicles and left to die by passers-by last week. One by one, no fewer than 12 passers-by just ignore the badly injured girl. None of them stops to help or rescue her...They clearly notice the child, as some motorists swerve to avoid her body. After three people walk past, a different truck runs over the young girl again.Imagine how cruel can it be???!!!! If one of the three people were to rescue her, she won't be hit again by the 2nd truck!!!!

Finally there's a 58 yrs old cleaner,  picked up her body and alerted her mother so that she could take the child to the hospital. She suffered serious brain damage and expected to die.  

Why did no one stop to help???? Where is their morality???? Won't they feel guilty, upset,and pain for ignoring the little child. She is just 2 yrs old...She is so innocence. China doesn't have a Good Samaritan law protecting those who stop to give aid, and some speculate that fear of being blamed or prosecuted for the girl's injury made so many pass without stopping???

P/S Poor child, she is now R.I.P... Doctors announced her death last night.... 

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