Saturday, October 8, 2011


Is been ages since my last blog... Lately I've been very busy with my business... Well, my business is doing quite well. Just that my staff starts to give me loads of problems again. Sometimes I just wonder why I can't get along with my staff. Is it due to my problem or theirs?

Last few days, I heard a very shocking news from my friend, G ( i can't mention her name in here coz its very sensitive issue)... After I heard from her, I've realize that for the past few months we've been cheated from one of my friend, V.

All these while V always told us that her behalf is not a good man. Cheated on her, emotional abuse and so on... We tried many ways to help her... and pity her. Giving her loads of advice. Criticize on her husband and condemn him. But lately we have realize that she took all her husband's money... But anyhow we can judge people coz we dunno their internal situation....

1 comment:

  1. It's difficult to see who is right and who is wrong. Moreover, we could not see the whole dimension of the situation, what we know is only part of it. Therefore, it's not until our power to judge this and that. What we can do as a friend, we lead her back to her bautiful life, hoping she doesn't do anything that she'll regret in future. We also hope she leave her hatred behind. And lead a happier life in future.
